Rebecca Phillips
Professional Lead - Planning Appeals , The Planning Inspectorate
Rebecca Phillips has over 12 years' experience as a Planning Inspector at the most senior level. She has been the Professional Lead for Planning Appeals at The Planning Inspectorate for 6 years, responsible for managing and providing professional support and advice as well as training and development for Inspector teams undertaking S78 planning appeals. She has extensive experience of undertaking a variety of large-scale complex S78 and enforcement SoS recovered appeals as well as Local Plan and Community Infrastructure Levy examinations. She also led on developing the new Planning Inspectorate Operating Model, enabling the use of virtual proceedings during and following on from the pandemic. She contributes to new legislative and policy changes as well as flagging up where Government policy is not having its intended and desired effect. She advises and instructs on legal challenges to Inspectors' decisions on whether to defend or concede. She is qualified in Town & Country Planning and Marketing and has a background in economic development, regeneration, development finance, strategic marketing management and policy development. Previous roles include Planning Policy advisor at the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI), business development consultant at Strategic Marketing Ltd as well as roles in economic development and regeneration at the Welsh Development Agency and Cardiff Bay Development Corporation.