Planning Categories

Award for infrastructure planning

Grange University Hospital


Entrant's Summary: BDP’s long-term planning strategy adopts a plan-led approach to deliver a state-of-the art hospital and enable the remodelling of healthcare in South Wales. The adoption of a Local Development Framework in 2008 laid the foundation for a robust outline planning permission in 2013 and a reserved matters consent in 2015...

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Award for plan-making

OPDC Industrial Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation

Entrant's Summary: OPDC’s Industrial SPD provides a groundbreaking approach to delivering best practice intensified industrial developments from a placemaking, design and sustainability perspective. The SPD specifically tackles issues with large floorplate and multi-storey industrial premises which are likely to become more commonplace...

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Award for planning consultancy of the year


Entrant's Summary: At Tibbalds, we are passionate about making people friendly places. We have a longstanding reputation for our planning and urban design expertise, and for providing a consistently high quality service. Our clients and communities benefit from our multidisciplinary and collaborative approach that puts people at heart ...

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Entrant's Summary: In summary, the diversity, quality and positive impact of LUC’s work, our very positive client feedback, and our desire for continuous improvement, place us at the very top of the planning profession – and therefore highly deserving of this prestigious Award.

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Award for planning for affordable housing

Brook House

Sphere25 and GRID Architects

Entrant's Summary: Permission was granted in December 2023 for the redevelopment of the Brook House site to deliver 102 social rent affordable homes for single women - a 162% uplift. Sphere25 submitted the application on behalf of Women’s Pioneer Housing and their development partner L&Q to secure a 100% affordable scheme designed with...

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Blackbird Leys

Peabody & JTP

Entrant's Summary: Unanimously approved at Planning Committee in August 2023, Blackbird Leys is a high-density, social housing scheme that provides 294 affordable, low-energy homes within several infill sites across Blackbird Leys, in a joint venture between Oxford City Council and Peabody. Alongside apartments and family housing, the ...

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Award for planning for the natural environment

Winner: Urban Greening Factor x High Density

MICA Architects and London Legacy Development Corporation

Entrant's Summary: The 2021 London Plan, takes a co-ordinated approach to tackle the climate crisis and identifies the importance of urban greening as a component of sustainable urban development. The “Urban Greening Factor (UGF) x High Density” Study provides guidance on the best way to deliver high quality urban greening in emerging ...

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Award for planning to address climate change

Low Carbon Development Toolkit

London Borough of Hackney in collaboration with London Councils

Entrant's Summary: The Low Carbon Development Toolkit, a collaborative effort led by the London Borough of Hackney in partnership with London boroughs and London Councils, is a targeted collection of documents to aid boroughs’ planning teams in achieving better low carbon outcomes across the built environment. It provides practical gui...

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Award for Stakeholder engagement in planning

Calderdale Placemaking and Design Guide SPD


Entrant's Summary: The Calderdale Placemaking and Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) is a district-wide guide, co-created with local stakeholders and community. The document supports policies in the adopted Local Plan to ensure developments in Calderdale deliver consistent, high-quality places. Engagement has helped def...

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Joint Local Plan for South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse

South Oxfordshire District Council and Vale of White Horse District Council

Entrant's Summary: What we did is take a fresh approach to local plan engagement. Public confidence in local plans was at rock bottom. To rebuild trust and rehabilitate our work, we spoke with a new voice. Our interactive website made it simple to understand our proposals and easy to respond. No complex forms, just clicks. No jargon, j...

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Award for use of digital technology in planning



Entrant's Summary: From our research with 2000+ citizens, 76% feel they have no voice in Planning Applications. They are excluded by a lack of awareness or understanding of proposals and out-dated ways of contributing to Planning Applications. More than half of citizens believe decisions are made in secret. PlanApps provides a revoluti...

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3D modelling of constraints and growth capacity

City of London

Entrant's Summary: The City’s 3D Digital modelling project holistically maps the immensely complex, kinetic and interlapping three-dimensional heritage and protected views that criss-cross and are within the City and models geometric view protection policies as well as visualising view management guidance. The work informs 3D Growth Ca...

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Awards for planning for increased housing delivery

Small Sites, Small Builders – De-risking Small Sites in Camden.

Inner Circle Consulting

Entrant's Summary: On behalf of their public sector partners, the Inner Circle Consulting team has been responsible for unlocking half of the funding from the Greater London Authority’s Small Sites, Small Builders Fund. The London Borough of Camden was one of these successful bidders. In partnership, LB Camden and Inner Circle have co-...

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Planning law firm of the year

BDB Pitmans Planning Team

BDB Pitmans

Entrant's Summary: Our entry concerns our work for Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited (AUBPL) in the promotion of a major Energy from Waste (EfW) facility in Boston, Lincolnshire. We make the entry in the context of our rapidly growing practice in energy consenting, our market leading DCO practice generally and our contribution as...

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Planning permission of the year

Friary Court, Crutched Friars, EC1

City of London

Entrant's Summary: Proactive City planners were instrumental in finding a new permanent home for the Migration Museum in Friary Court, 3,100 sqm, over three floors of exhibition, educational, art, cultural, café, and training space, with substantial public realm benefits and prominent multi-aspect frontages. The Museum celebrates migra...

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Local authority planning team of the year

London Borough of Haringey Planning Team

London Borough of Haringey

Entrant's Summary: Our submission has 5 themes… (1) Our Journey of Improvement – Our journey from worst LPA to one of the best can help inspire struggling LPAs (2) Our Joined-up Spatial Planning service – Our Planning service is embedded within other key placemaking functions …which delivers… (3) Social & Community outcomes and Equalit...

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Award for best housing scheme (500 homes or more)

Meridian Water

Enfield Council

Entrant's Summary: Meridian Water is an ambitious, innovative regeneration project in North London, led by Enfield Council, that aims to deliver up to 10,000 homes, 6,000 jobs, and various amenities, social infrastructure, and green spaces. Despite facing challenges, the Council has shown resilience and adaptability, taking decisive ac...

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Placemaking Categories

Award for design excellence

Rowcroft Hospice, Ella’s Gardens


Entrant's Summary: Located on a challenging hilltop site, the redevelopment of Rowcroft’s 23 acre site in Torquay will provide an exemplary, intergenerational continuing care community which will extend and improve Rowcroft’s exceptional care offer for South Devon. The proposal will add to Rowcroft’s existing hospice to deliver a world...

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Award for fostering a healthy town centre

Our Cultural Heart, Huddersfield Town Centre

Pegasus Group

Entrant's Summary: Our Cultural Heart (OCH) is a flagship council-led regeneration scheme which forms part of a wider blueprint for Huddersfield Town Centre. The ‘blueprint’ is a ten-year vision to create a thriving, modern day town centre: a vibrant culture, art, leisure and nightlife offer, thriving businesses, a great place to live,...

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Award for mixed use development


Daedalus Waterfront

MurrayTwohig Developments for Patron Daedalus

Award for partnership working

Cities Alive: Designing Cities that Work for Women


Entrant's Summary: Designing Cities that Work for Women seeks to improve the global female urban experience and outlines a new gender-responsive approach to planning and design. It is a research piece developed by Arup, in collaboration with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the University of Liverpool. The research ide...

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Award for promoting economic growth

Birkenhead Town Centre Regeneration


Entrant's Summary: In 2019, Wirral Council and Muse Places formed a joint venture, the Wirral Growth Company (WGC), to transform Birkenhead town centre for its residents. Since then, Stantec has supported WGC in developing the scheme and driving stakeholder engagement to deliver their vision. Over the next 15 years, WGC aims to create ...

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Award for regeneration

Church Street Regeneration

Bell Phillips

Entrant's Summary: The mixed-use estate regeneration scheme at Church Street, Westminster, is one of the largest projects of its type in London. When complete it will see the provision of up to 1,120 new homes (50% of which will be affordable), flexible new retail and affordable workspaces, a new library and community hub, new green sp...

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Best use of brownfield land in placemaking


HAT Projects

Entrant's Summary: Sunspot is creating real change in the country’s most deprived community, through nurturing entrepreneurship and creating a literal and symbolic focal point. On the seafront in Jaywick Sands, it occupies a site that was derelict for decades – a visible scar in the centre of the community. Now housing over 20 business...

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Best use of publicly-owned land and/or property in placemaking

St Ann’s New Neighbourhood

Lambert Smith Hampton on behalf of Peabody and Hill Group, with Scheme imagery and architecture by Karakusevic Carson Architects.

Entrant's Summary: St Ann’s New Neighbourhood utilises a vacant, underutilised brownfield site in Haringey, delivering an attractive, high-quality, residential-led Scheme. Developed by Peabody (formerly Catalyst), the proposals will provide up to 995 new homes of a range of tenures, 60% of which will be affordable (comprising 46% Inter...

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Award for best housing scheme (fewer than 500 homes)

Blackbird Leys

Peabody & JTP

Entrant's Summary: Unanimously approved at Planning Committee in August 2023, Blackbird Leys is a high-density, social housing scheme that provides 294 affordable, low-energy homes within several infill sites across Blackbird Leys, in a joint venture between Oxford City Council and Peabody. Alongside apartments and family housing, the ...

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Award for best use of arts, culture or sport in placemaking


London Irish Centre

Rolfe Judd Planning

Award for best use of heritage in placemaking

New Life for Old College, Aberystwyth University

Lawray Architects

Entrant's Summary: Old College is an architecturally significant 19th century building which was the birthplace of the University of Wales. Proposals by Lawray Architects will see the Grade I listed building and the adjacent Grade II listed villas transform the University’s historic home into an exhibition centre, a place of learning a...

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Award for community-led placemaking

WINNER: Blackbird Leys


Editors Choice

Editors Choice Award

Meridian Water

Enfield Council

Entrant's Summary: Meridian Water is an ambitious, innovative regeneration project in North London, led by Enfield Council, that aims to deliver up to 10,000 homes, 6,000 jobs, and various amenities, social infrastructure, and green spaces. Despite facing challenges, the Council has shown resilience and adaptability, taking decisive ac...

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